Friday, April 20, 2012

Week in the Life

Just sat down and did some prep for Week in the Life....absolutely love this project, started by Ali Edwards.  It is such a fun way to document regular life, and though it can be a LOT of work (especially the scrapbooking part), it is such an awesome finished product that I keep coming back to it (this is my 3rd year).

So while we could be having a baby literally any day, next week will be Week in the Life documented, and I'll be putting a bit of it on here.  Want to join in?  Get your camera charged and ready, warn your family & friends you'll be taking pics of EVERYTHING, and be prepared to love all the little details of your life!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 on 10 | April 2012

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month.  Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. 

8:30 am - reading intently

9:30 am - grocery shopping with Ian, while Isaac is at preschool

10:30 am - the dog at Old Navy always gets a pat!

11:30 am - they play PacMan while I make lunch

12:30 pm - these boys love being outside and swinging!

1:30 pm - cleaning the kitchen

2:30 - glitter & Mod Podge...doesn't get much better than that!

3:30 pm - more swinging, this time with our new friend Boots

4:30 pm - yummy drink, but also gets rid of pregnancy-induced middle-of-the-night leg cramps!

5:30 pm - mass production of Chicken Enchiladas

Happy 10th!
What did you do today?
ten on ten button